John Wilson
A childhood spent in rural Alabama instilled in John Wilson a lifelong interest in nature and wildlife. Now residing in Georgia, he finds abundant resource material for his paintings in his wanderings along the shore from Cumberland Island, a wildlife refuge off the coast of Georgia, to Cape Cod.
Since graduation from the University of Alabama with a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree, he has exhibited in countless shows and won an impressive number of awards. Residents of the eastern shore of the United States have been especially receptive to his work. John credits this to the fact that his art is a form of communicating with others who share his love of the seacoast and its wildlife inhabitants. He feels he as accomplished his purpose when he stirs an emotional response in people who view his paintings.
He says, “Someone once said, ‘sight is a faculty; seeing is an art.’ I try to remember this when I paint. The challenge is to study the familiar and see in differently. Shadows, light value, hue and scale will all be present in a painting, but there must also be an emotional touch, an involvement with the subject.”
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